Mini Apple Pie Recipe

Easy Mini Apple Pie Recipe: A Taste of Fall in Every Bite

As the passes on begin to change tone and the air becomes fresh, there could be no finer method for embracing the excellence of fall than by enjoying a warm and consoling scaled down fruity dessert. These little enjoyments are scrumptious as well as simple to make. Whether you're a carefully prepared cook or a fledgling, this little fruity dessert recipe will make them enjoy the kinds of pre-winter in a matter of moments.

Fixings utilized for mini apple recipe:

For the Pie Covering:

1 1/4 cups regular baking flour

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon sugar

1/2 cup unsalted spread, cold and cubed

3-4 tablespoons ice water

For the mini Apple stuffing:

3-4 medium-sized apples (like Granny Smith or Honeycrisp)

1/2 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon regular flour


Set up the Pie Hull:

In a food processor, consolidate the flour, salt, and sugar. Beat momentarily to blend.

Add the chilly, cubed spread to the flour blend and heartbeat until the combination looks like coarse scraps.

Steadily add ice water, each tablespoon in turn, and heartbeat until the batter simply starts to meet up.

Turn the mixture out onto a perfect surface, shape it into a circle, enclose it by saran wrap, and refrigerate for something like 30 minutes.

Make the Apple Filling:

Strip, center, and daintily cut the apples.

In a bowl, consolidate the cut apples, granulated sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, lemon squeeze, and flour. Throw to uniformly cover the apples.

Collect the Smaller than normal Fruity desserts:

Preheat your broiler to 375°F (190°C) and line a baking sheet with material paper.

Carry out the chilled pie batter on a floured surface to around 1/8-inch thickness.

Utilizing a round cutout or a glass, cut out circles from the batter. These will be your small pie outside layers.

Place a spoonful of the apple filling in the focal point of each circle.

Crease the batter over the filling to make half-moon shapes and pleat the edges with a fork to seal the pies.


Put the small fruity desserts on the pre-arranged baking sheet.

Alternatively, brush the tops with a touch of beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar for a brilliant completion.

Prepare for around 20-25 minutes or until the pies are brilliant brown and the filling is effervescent.

Serve and Appreciate:

Permit the smaller than usual fruity desserts to cool somewhat prior to serving.

These little treats are delectable all alone, yet a scoop of vanilla frozen yogurt or a spot of whipped cream can take them to a higher level.

 These smaller than expected pies are ideally suited for imparting to loved ones during fall get-togethers or as an exceptional treat only for yourself.

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